Diamond Rings in Brisbane: How to Tell if They’re Genuine or Not?

Through the years, diamonds are considered the most valuable and expensive among all other precious stones, taking their regal spot in the line of fashion and personal choice. Many people are ready to scrape off huge amounts of cash from their wallets just to own these priceless stones, such as the diamond rings in Brisbane which are noted for their beauty and authenticity. Despite the fact that there are plenty of genuine diamond rings on the market, many people have been scammed due to buying fake ones.

So, how will you be able to determine whether or not a diamond ring is real? Here are some simple yet essential ways that you can do especially when you have a plan to buy diamond ring one of these days:

Do the Scratch Test

Keep in mind that a diamond is resistant to scratch, no wonder it is coined as one of the world’s hardest materials. With the aid of a magnifying glass, focus your eyes on the surface of the stone. Even a single scratch is already a strong indication that you are actually looking at a fake diamond. On the other hand, if the stone is devoid of any scratch marks, there’s a chance that it’s real. The next step will help you determine the genuineness of the stone pieces that adorn real diamond rings.

The Water Jar Test

Fill a jar with water then drop the stone in it. Due to the diamond’s high-density characteristic, it is expected to fall straight and easily to the jar’s bottom, without pausing or resistance. On the contrary, a fake diamond falls to the bottom much longer than a real one.

The Reading Test

Before you opt to buy diamond rings in Brisbane, you should know how to do the reading test. This process entails putting the stone over any writings. A fake diamond often allows the naked eye to see all the letters below it, no matter how clear or distorted they may be. A real diamond does not allow the eyes to figure out any of the written words underneath it. This test proves to be highly effective and used by many jewelers through the years. 

Are you looking forward to buying diamond rings in Brisbane? If you are, then feel free to check Brisbane’s jewelry market today. Here, you can find a wide range of jewelry items like necklaces, earrings, bracelets, silver jewelry, gold jewelry, diamond rings, and a whole lot more!

For whatever reason that you search for a diamond ring in Brisbane, go to https://www.opulenti.com.au/

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