My name is Diego Felix and I love traveling. At an early age, I was introduced to this life’s special privilege with family out-of-town vacations and camping and hiking adventures. My early travels are always with my family and the experiences had turned me into a boy about the globe.. I feel incomplete whenever the year ends without a week spent on a hiking adventure either with my sibling or with my buddies. I must admit the experience is always filled with fun and memories that are hard to forget. There isn’t a single travel that I would say disastrous or frustrating. All is but something that is remembered for the longest time.
If there’s one thing bad about it, it is that there’s always someone planning everything. From flights, hotels and activities, to what to buy or what to bring back home. Hence, I am pushed following someone’s rules and plans. This made me feel as if I am traveling not for myself but for others’ reasons and purposes.
To break away from it, I decided that solo traveling is what I want. I have my first solo travel in a museum near our area. The experience had driven crazier on traveling on my own. After my first, many solo travels followed and now I can say the experiences are enough for great sharing.
Yes, I am sharing the experience. What I saw, had experienced, and learned out of my solo travels, I will be sharing in this blog. I will be also giving tips and expert’s guide on solo traveling. Of how it could be as easier than perceived and its joys and thrills.
I will be posting my latest solo travel adventures not only to inspire others but more to drive them to get out from their shell and embark a solo travel adventure. I will be posting in real time so what you see is the real thing and at the moment.
If traveling is synonymous to shopping, I will be posting something about it. If traveling is meeting people, I will be posting notes of my encounters with the locals and the people I meet intentionally and accidentally. My pages will be filled with maximum adventures. Since I will be driving readers to pack their bag and go, I will be posting deals that solo travelers would die for. Cheap flights, cheap hotels, exciting activities; I have enjoyed them so why not share it with you?
I am inviting you to my blog. I am inviting you to a great adventure. Everything you want to know on solo traveling is what you’ll be coming here for. And that’s I assure you’ll get them all here.